
  • Required

useTable is the root hook for React Table. To use it, pass it with an options object with at least a columns and data value, followed by any React Table compatible hooks you want to use.

Table Options

The following options are supported via the main options object passed to useTable(options)

  • columns: Array<Column>
    • Required
    • Must be memoized
    • The core columns configuration object for the entire table.
    • Supports nested columns arrays via the column's columns key, eg. [{ Header: 'My Group', columns: [...] }]
  • data: Array<any>
    • Required
    • Must be memoized
    • The data array that you want to display on the table.
  • initialState: Object
    • Optional
    • The initial state object for the table.
    • Upon table initialization, this object is merged over the table's defaultState object (eg. {...defaultState, ...initialState}) that React Table and its hooks use to register default state to produce the final initial state object passed to the React.useState hook internally.
  • initialState.hiddenColumns: Array<ColumnId: String>
    • Optional
    • The initial state object for hidden columns
    • If a column's ID is contained in this array, it will be hidden
    • To update hiddenColumns, pass a new array into setHiddenColumns which is supplied by useTable. Changing hiddenColumns directly won't cause the table to add the hidden columns back.
  • autoResetHiddenColumns: Boolean
    • Defaults to true
    • When true, the hiddenColumns state will automatically reset if any of the following conditions are met:
      • columns is changed
    • To disable, set to false
  • stateReducer: Function(newState, action, prevState) => newState
    • Optional
    • With every action that is dispatched to the table's internal React.useReducer instance, this reducer is called and is allowed to modify the final state object for updating.
    • It is passed the newState, action, and prevState and is expected to either return the newState or a modified version of the newState
    • May also be used to "control" the state of the table, by overriding certain pieces of state regardless of the action.
  • useControlledState: HookFunction(state) => controlledState
    • Optional
    • If you need to control part of the table state, this is the place to do it.
    • This function is run on every single render, just like a hook and allows you to alter the final state of the table if necessary.
    • You can use hooks inside of this function, but most of the time, we just suggest using React.useMemo to memoize your state overrides.
    • See the FAQ "How can I manually control the table state?" for a an example.
  • defaultColumn: Object
    • Optional
    • Defaults to {}
    • The default column object for every column passed to React Table.
    • Column-specific properties will override the properties in this object, eg. { ...defaultColumn, ...userColumn }
    • This is particularly useful for adding global column properties. For instance, when using the useFilters plugin hook, add a default Filter renderer for every column, eg.{ Filter: MyDefaultFilterComponent }
  • getSubRows: Function(row, relativeIndex) => Rows[]
    • Optional
    • Must be memoized
    • Defaults to (row) => row.subRows || []
    • Use this function to change how React Table detects subrows. You could even use this function to generate sub rows if you want.
    • By default, it will attempt to return the subRows property on the row, or an empty array if that is not found.
  • getRowId: Function(row, relativeIndex, ?parent) => string
    • Use this function to change how React Table detects unique rows and also how it constructs each row's underlying id property.
    • Optional
    • Must be memoized
    • Defaults to (row, relativeIndex, parent) => parent ? [, relativeIndex].join('.') : relativeIndex

Column Options

The following options are supported on any column object you can pass to columns.

  • accessor: String | Function(originalRow, rowIndex) => any
    • Required
    • This string/function is used to build the data model for your column.
    • The data returned by an accessor should be primitive and sortable.
    • If a string is passed, the column's value will be looked up on the original row via that key, eg. If your column's accessor is firstName then its value would be read from row['firstName']. You can also specify deeply nested values with accessors like info.hobbies or even address[0].street
    • If a function is passed, the column's value will be looked up on the original row using this accessor function, eg. If your column's accessor is row => row.firstName, then its value would be determined by passing the row to this function and using the resulting value.
    • Technically speaking, this field isn't required if you have a unique id for a column. This is used for things like expander or row selection columns. Warning: Only omit accessor if you really know what you're doing.
  • id: String
    • Required if accessor is a function
    • This is the unique ID for the column. It is used by reference in things like sorting, grouping, filtering etc.
    • If a string accessor is used, it defaults as the column ID, but can be overridden if necessary.
  • columns: Array<Column>
    • Optional
    • A nested array of columns.
    • If defined, the column will act as a header group. Columns can be recursively nested as much as needed.
  • Header: String | Function | React.Component => JSX
    • Optional
    • Defaults to () => null
    • Receives the table instance and column model as props
    • Must either be a string or return valid JSX
    • If a function/component is passed, it will be used for formatting the header value, eg. You can use a Header function to dynamically format the header using any table or column state.
  • Footer: String | Function | React.Component => JSX
    • Optional
    • Defaults to () => null
    • Receives the table instance and column model as props
    • Must either be a string or return valid JSX
    • If a function/component is passed, it will be used for formatting the footer value, eg. You can use a Footer function to dynamically format the footer using any table or column state.
  • Cell: Function | React.Component => JSX
    • Optional
    • Defaults to ({ value }) => String(value)
    • Receives the table instance and cell model as props
    • Must return valid JSX
    • This function (or component) is primarily used for formatting the column value, eg. If your column accessor returns a date object, you can use a Cell function to format that date to a readable format.
  • width: Int
    • Optional
    • Defaults to 150
    • Specifies the width for the column (when using non-table-element layouts)
  • minWidth: Int
    • Optional
    • Defaults to 0
    • Specifies the minimum width for the column (when using non-table-element layouts)
    • Specifically useful when using plugin hooks that allow the user to resize column widths
  • maxWidth: Int
    • Optional
    • Defaults to 0
    • Specifies the maximum width for the column (when using non-table-element layouts)
    • Specifically useful when using plugin hooks that allow the user to resize column widths

Instance Properties

The following properties are available on the table instance returned from useTable

  • state: Object
    • Memoized - This object reference will not change unless the internal table state is modified.
    • This is the final state object of the table, which is the product of the initialState, internal table reducer and (optionally) a custom reducer supplied by the user.
  • columns: Array<Column>
    • A nested array of final column objects, similar in structure to the original columns configuration option.
    • See Column Properties for more information
  • allColumns: Array<Column>
  • visibleColumns: Array<Column>
    • A flat array of all visible column objects derived from allColumns.
    • See Column Properties for more information
  • headerGroups: Array<HeaderGroup>
    • An array of normalized header groups, each containing a flattened array of final column objects for that row.
    • Some of these headers may be materialized as placeholders
    • See HeaderGroup Properties for more information
  • footerGroups: Array<HeaderGroup>
    • An array of normalized header groups, but in reverse order, each containing a flattened array of final column objects for that row.
    • Some of these headers may be materialized as placeholders
    • See HeaderGroup Properties for more information
  • headers: Array<Column>
    • A nested array of final header objects, similar in structure to the original columns configuration option, but rebuilt for ordering
    • Each contains the headers that are displayed underneath it.
    • Some of these headers may be materialized as placeholders
    • See Column Properties for more information
  • flatHeaders: Array<Column>
    • A flat array of final header objects found in each header group.
    • Some of these headers may be materialized as placeholders
    • See Column Properties for more information
  • rows: Array<Row>
    • An array of materialized row objects from the original data array and columns passed into the table options
    • See Row Properties for more information
  • getTableProps: Function(?props)
    • Required
    • This function is used to resolve any props needed for your table wrapper.
    • Custom props may be passed. NOTE: Custom props will override built-in table props, so be careful!
  • getTableBodyProps: Function(?props)
    • Required
    • This function is used to resolve any props needed for your table body wrapper.
    • Custom props may be passed. NOTE: Custom props will override built-in table body props, so be careful!
  • prepareRow: Function(Row)
    • Required
    • This function is responsible for lazily preparing a row for rendering. Any row that you intend to render in your table needs to be passed to this function before every render.
    • Why? Since table data could potentially be very large, it can become very expensive to compute all of the necessary state for every row to be rendered regardless if it actually is rendered or not (for example if you are paginating or virtualizing the rows, you may only have a few rows visible at any given moment). This function allows only the rows you intend to display to be computed and prepped with the correct state.
  • flatRows: Array<Row>
    • An array of all rows, including subRows which have been flattened into the order in which they were detected (depth first)
    • This can be helpful in calculating total row counts that must include subRows
  • totalColumnsWidth: Int
    • This is the total width of all visible columns (only available when using non-table-element layouts)
  • toggleHideColumn: Function(columnId: String, ?value: Boolean) => void
    • This function can be used to toggle or set a column's hidden state
    • Passing a value is optional. If passed, the hidden state will be set to that Boolean value.
    • If a value is not passed, the visibility for this column will be toggled.
  • setHiddenColumns: Function(Array<ColumnId: String> | Function(oldHiddenColumns) => Array<ColumnId: String>) => void
    • This function can be used to set the hiddenColumns state for the entire table.
    • If a value is passed, hiddenColumns will be set to that value
    • If a function is passed, it will received the previous hiddenColumns value and will be expected to return the new value.
  • toggleHideAllColumns: Function(?value: Boolean) => void
    • This function can be used to toggle or set the visibility for all columns to true or false
    • If a value is not passed, the visibility for all columns will be toggled back and forth from true to false
    • If true is passed, all columns will be hidden
    • If a false is passed, all columns will be visible
  • getToggleHideAllColumnsProps: Function(userProps) => props
    • This function can be used to retrieve all necessary props to be placed on an <input type='checkbox'> component that will control the visibility of all columns

HeaderGroup Properties

The following additional properties are available on every headerGroup object returned by the table instance.

  • headers: Array<Column>
    • Required
    • The columns in this header group.
  • getHeaderGroupProps: Function(?props)
    • Required
    • This function is used to resolve any props needed for this header group's row.
    • You can use the getHeaderGroupProps hook to extend its functionality.
    • Custom props may be passed. NOTE: Custom props will override built-in table props, so be careful!
  • getFooterGroupProps: Function(?props)
    • Required
    • This function is used to resolve any props needed for this header group's footer row.
    • You can use the getFooterGroupProps hook to extend its functionality.
    • Custom props may be passed. NOTE: Custom props will override built-in table props, so be careful!

Column Properties

The following properties are available on every Column object returned by the table instance.

  • id: String
    • The resolved column ID from either the column's accessor or the column's hard-coded id property
  • isVisible: Boolean
    • Whether the column should be currently visible or not.
    • Columns that are not visible are still used for sorting, filtering, etc.
  • render: Function(type: String | Function | Component, ?props)
    • This function is used to render content with the added context of a column.
    • The entire table instance will be passed to the renderer with the addition of a column property, containing a reference to the column
    • If type is a string, will render using the column[type] renderer. React Table ships with default Header and Footer renderers. Other renderers like Filter and Aggregated are available via plugin hooks.
    • If a function or component is passed instead of a string, it will be be passed the table instance and column model as props and is expected to return any valid JSX.
  • totalLeft: Int
    • This is the total width in pixels of all columns to the left of this column
    • Specifically useful when using plugin hooks that allow the user to resize column widths
  • totalWidth: Int
    • This is the total width in pixels for this column (if it is a leaf-column) or or all of its sub-columns (if it is a column group)
    • Specifically useful when using plugin hooks that allow the user to resize column widths
  • getHeaderProps: Function(?props)
    • Required
    • This function is used to resolve any props needed for this column's header cell.
    • You can use the getHeaderProps hook to extend its functionality.
    • Custom props may be passed. NOTE: Custom props will override built-in table props, so be careful!
  • getFooterProps: Function(?props)
    • Required
    • This function is used to resolve any props needed for this column's footer cell.
    • You can use the getFooterProps hook to extend its functionality.
    • Custom props may be passed. NOTE: Custom props will override built-in table props, so be careful!
  • toggleHidden: Function(?hidden: Boolean) => void
    • This function can be used to hide or show this column.
    • If no value is passed, the visibility of this column will be toggled.
    • Optionally pass a value to set the visible.
  • getToggleHiddenProps: Function(userProps) => props
    • This function can be used to retrieve all necessary props to be placed on an <input type='checkbox'> component that will control the visibility of this column.

Row Properties

The following additional properties are available on every row object returned by the table instance.

  • cells: Array<Cell>

    • An array of visible Cell objects containing properties and functions specific to the row and column it belongs to.
    • These cells are normally intended for display
    • See Cell Properties for more information
  • allCells: Array<Cell>

    • An array of all Cell objects containing properties and functions specific to the row and column it belongs to.
    • Not every cell contained here is guaranteed that it should be displayed and is made available here for convenience and advanced templating purposes.
    • See Cell Properties for more information
  • values: Object<columnId: any>

    • A map of this row's resolved values by columnId, eg. { firstName: 'Tanner', lastName: 'Linsley' }
  • getRowProps: Function(?props)

    • Required
    • This function is used to resolve any props needed for this row.
    • You can use the getRowProps hook to extend its functionality.
    • Custom props may be passed. NOTE: Custom props will override built-in table props, so be careful!
  • index: Int

    • The index of the original row in the data array that was passed to useTable. If this row is a subRow, it is the original index within the parent row's subRows array
  • original: Object

    • The original row object from the data array that was used to materialize this row.
  • subRows: Array<Row>

    • If subRows were detect on the original data object, this will be an array of those materialized row objects.
  • state: Object

    • The current state of the row. It's lifespan is attached to that of the original data array. When the raw data is changed, this state value is reset to the row's initial value (using the initialRowStateKey option).
    • Can be updated via instance.setRowState or the row's setState function.

Cell Properties

The following additional properties are available on every Cell object returned in an array of cells on every row object.

  • column: Column
    • The corresponding column object for this cell
  • row: Row
    • The corresponding row object for this cell
  • value: any
    • The resolved value for this cell.
    • By default, this value is displayed on the table via the default Cell renderer. To override the way a cell displays override the Cell property of the column object.
  • getCellProps: Function(?props)
    • Required
    • This function is used to resolve any props needed for this cell.
    • You can use the getCellProps hook to extend its functionality.
    • Custom props may be passed. NOTE: Custom props will override built-in table props, so be careful!
  • render: Function(type: String | Function | Component, ?props)
    • Required
    • This function is used to render content with the added context of a cell.
    • The entire table instance will be passed to the renderer with the addition of column, row and cell properties, containing a reference to each respective item.
    • If type is a string, will render using the column[type] renderer. React Table ships with a default Cell renderer. Other renderers like Aggregated are available via hooks like useFilters.
    • If a function or component is passed instead of a string, it will be be passed the table instance and cell model as props and is expected to return any valid JSX.


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