
  • Plugin Hook
  • Optional

useSortBy is the hook that implements row sorting. It also supports multi-sort (keyboard required).

  • Multi-sort is enabled by default
  • To sort the table via UI, attach the props generated from each column's getSortByToggleProps(), then click any of those elements.
  • To multi-sort the table via UI, hold shift while clicking on any of those same elements that have the props from getSortByToggleProps() attached.
  • To programmatically sort (or multi-sort) any column, use the toggleSortBy method located on the instance or each individual column.

Table Options

The following options are supported via the main options object passed to useTable(options)

  • initialState.sortBy: Array<Object<id: columnId, desc: Bool = true>>
    • Must be memoized
    • An array of sorting objects. If there is more than one object in the array, multi-sorting will be enabled. Each sorting object should contain an id key with the corresponding column ID to sort by. An optional desc key (which defaults to false) may be set to true to indicate a descending sorting directionfor that column, otherwise, it will be assumed to be ascending. This information is stored in state since the table is allowed to manipulate the filter through user interaction.
  • manualSortBy: Bool
    • Enables sorting detection functionality, but does not automatically perform row sorting. Turn this on if you wish to implement your own sorting outside of the table (eg. server-side or manual row grouping/nesting)
  • disableSortBy: Bool
    • Disables sorting for every column in the entire table.
  • defaultCanSort: Bool
    • Optional
    • Defaults to false
    • If set to true, all columns will be sortable, regardless if they have a valid accessor
  • disableMultiSort: Bool
    • Disables multi-sorting for the entire table.
  • isMultiSortEvent: Function
    • Allows to override default multisort behaviour(i.e. multisort applies when shift key is pressed), if this function is provided then returned boolean value from this function will make decision whether newly applied sort action will be considered as multisort or not.
    • Receives event as argument.
  • maxMultiSortColCount: Number
    • Limit on max number of columns for multisort, e.g. if set to 3, and suppose table is sorted by [A, B, C] and then clicking D for sorting should result in table sorted by [B, C , D]
  • disableSortRemove: Bool
    • If true, the un-sorted state will not be available to columns once they have been sorted.
  • disableMultiRemove: Bool
    • If true, the un-sorted state will not be available to multi-sorted columns.
  • orderByFn: Function
    • Must be memoized
    • Defaults to the built-in default orderBy function
    • This function is responsible for composing multiple sorting functions together for multi-sorting, and also handles both the directional sorting and stable-sorting tie breaking. Rarely would you want to override this function unless you have a very advanced use-case that requires it.
  • sortTypes: Object<sortKey: sortType>
    • Must be memoized
    • Allows overriding or adding additional sort types for columns to use. If a column's sort type isn't found on this object, it will default to using the built-in sort types.
    • For more information on sort types, see Sorting
  • autoResetSortBy: Boolean

Column Options

The following options are supported on any Column object passed to the columns options in useTable()

  • defaultCanSort: Bool
    • Optional
    • Defaults to false
    • If set to true, this column will be sortable, regardless if it has a valid accessor
  • disableSortBy: Bool
    • Optional
    • Defaults to false
    • If set to true, the sorting for this column will be disabled
  • sortDescFirst: Bool
    • Optional
    • Defaults to false
    • If set to true, the first sort direction for this column will be descending instead of ascending
  • sortInverted: Bool
    • Optional
    • Defaults to false
    • If set to true, the underlying sorting direction will be inverted, but the UI will not.
    • This may be useful in situations where positive and negative connotation is inverted, eg. a Golfing score where a lower score is considered more positive than a higher one.
  • sortType: String | Function(rowA: <Row>, rowB: <Row>, columnId: String, desc: Bool)
    • Used to compare 2 rows of data and order them correctly.
    • If a function is passed, it must be memoized. The sortType function should return 1 if rowA is larger, and -1 if rowB is larger. react-table will take care of the rest.
    • String options: basic, datetime, alphanumeric. Defaults to alphanumeric.
    • The resolved function from the this string/function will be used to sort the this column's data.
      • If a string is passed, the function with that name located on either the custom sortTypes option or the built-in sorting types object will be used.
      • If a function is passed, it will be used.

Instance Properties

The following values are provided to the table instance:

  • rows: Array<Row>
    • An array of sorted rows.
  • preSortedRows: Array<Row>
    • The array of rows that were originally sorted.
  • toggleSortBy: Function(ColumnId: String, descending: Bool, isMulti: Bool) => void
    • This function can be used to programmatically toggle the sorting for any specific column
  • setSortBy: Function(sortBy: Array<Object<id: columnId, desc: Bool = true>>) => void
    • This function can be use to programmatically set the sortBy for the table instance.

Column Properties

The following properties are available on every Column object returned by the table instance.

  • canSort: Bool
    • Denotes whether a column is sortable or not depending on if it has a valid accessor/data model or is manually disabled via an option.
  • toggleSortBy: Function(descending, multi) => void
    • This function can be used to programmatically toggle the sorting for this column.
    • This function is similar to the instance-level toggleSortBy, however, passing a columnId is not required since it is located on a Column object already.
  • getSortByToggleProps: Function(props) => props
    • Required
    • This function is used to resolve any props needed for this column's UI that is responsible for toggling the sort direction when the user clicks it.
    • You can use the getSortByToggleProps hook to extend its functionality.
    • Custom props may be passed. NOTE: Custom props may override built-in sortBy props, so be careful!
  • clearSortBy: Function() => void
    • This function can be used to programmatically clear the sorting for this column.
  • isSorted: Boolean
    • Denotes whether this column is currently being sorted
  • sortedIndex: Int
    • If the column is currently sorted, this integer will be the index in the sortBy array from state that corresponds to this column.
    • If this column is not sorted, the index will always be -1
  • isSortedDesc: Bool
    • If the column is currently sorted, this denotes whether the column's sort direction is descending or not.
    • If true, the column is sorted descending
    • If false, the column is sorted ascending
    • If undefined, the column is not currently being sorted.


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